Effect of Video mediated Instruction on Students’ Achievement, Attitudes and Motivation in Learning Kiswahili Proverbs in Kenya

A Literature Review


  • David Gitau Turuthi Kabarak University, Kenya
  • Bernard Chemwei Kabarak University, Kenya
  • Kageni Njagi Kabarak University




video, teaching, Kiswahili proverbs, achievement, attitudes, motivation.


The importance of proverbs in enhancing the students’ mastery of a language is well documented.Over time, video-mediated-instructions have boosted students’ academic achievement and attitudes when compared with other methods. In Kenya, there is poor achievement by students in Kiswahili proverbs at the KCSE examinations due to the negative attitude towards proverbs instruction that are not motivating. In this paper, the authors review the literature on video-mediated-instructions drawn since 1990. The authors also review literature on how video-mediated-instructions affect students’ achievement, attitudes and motivation in learning. The author also discusses how Kiswahili proverbs are taught in Kenya. Although video-mediated-instructions affect students’ achievement, attitude and motivation, no studies capture its effect on Kiswahili proverbs teaching. Therefore, this review identifies a gap for future research to find out if the future of teaching Kiswahili proverbs in Kenya lies in video-mediated-instructions.


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Author Biographies

David Gitau Turuthi, Kabarak University, Kenya

PhD Student Educational Technology Kabarak University

Bernard Chemwei, Kabarak University, Kenya


Kageni Njagi, Kabarak University



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How to Cite

David Gitau Turuthi, Bernard Chemwei, & Kageni Njagi. (2017). Effect of Video mediated Instruction on Students’ Achievement, Attitudes and Motivation in Learning Kiswahili Proverbs in Kenya: A Literature Review. Kabarak Journal of Research & Innovation, 5(1), 12–23. https://doi.org/10.58216/kjri.v5i1.43