Factors Influencing Academic Performance in Urban Informal Settlements in Kenya

A Case Study of Public Primary Schools of Kibera Slums, Nairobi County


  • T.M. Kibaara
  • G. W. Kabura Kenya Methodist University




Academic performance, Informal settlements


In spite of the government’s commitment to provision of Universal Free Primary Education (FPE) to all children that have attained school going age, there are segments of the society which continue to face myriad of hurdles in access of and participation in basic education which affect their academic performance. Key among these are children in the slums. The purpose of this study was to investigate factors that influence academic performance in urban informal settlements.The study was carried out in public primary schools located in kibera slums of Nairobi county.The objectives of the study were;to establish social economic factors influencing academic performance,to examine the extent to which environmental factors influence academic performance and to find out pupils psychological factors that influence academic performance. The research employed  descriptive survey design as the method for data analysis.Public primary schools located in Kibera,headteachers,teachers and class eight pupils were used as the target population. Purposive sampling was used to sample the schools and the headteachers. Simple random sampling was used to sample the teachers and the pupils. The sample size for the school and headteachers done at 100% hence four schools and four headteachers were used for the study. According to (Kasomo, 2006) Ten (10%) of all accessible population is enough for a descriptive survey study, therefore 10% of the total population for both the teachers and  pupils was obtained. The sample size for teachers was 9 and for the pupils was 82.  The study used questionnaires as the sole research tool to collect data from headteachers,teachers and pupils. Data collected was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively using tables and percentages.


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Author Biography

T.M. Kibaara

Kenya Methodist University


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How to Cite

Kibaara, T., & Kabura, G. W. (2015). Factors Influencing Academic Performance in Urban Informal Settlements in Kenya: A Case Study of Public Primary Schools of Kibera Slums, Nairobi County. Kabarak Journal of Research & Innovation, 3(1), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.58216/kjri.v3i1.2