Effects of Work life Balance on Employees Performance in Institutions of Higher Learning

A Case Study of Kabarak University


  • Lucy Mwangi Kabarak University
  • Caroline Cherotich Boinett Kabarak University
  • Emily Tumwet Kabarak University
  • Dave Bowen Kabarak University




Work-life balance is basically the positive relationship between work and other equally important activities in life which include family, leisure, personal development and community development issues. The relationship cannot be clearly defined and varies from person to person according to their life demands. Work life balance is intended to allow employees greater flexibility in their working patterns so that they can balance what they do at work with the responsibilities and interests they have outside work. The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of work life balance on employees performance. The unit of study was Kabarak University which is private Chartered University in Nakuru County.  The main objective of the study was to analyze the effects of work life balance on employee performance in Kabarak University. The specific objectives  was to establish the effects of work-family priorities conflict on employees performance, establish the effects of employee assistance programs affect employees performance. The research used descriptive technique, specifically case study.  The method used to collect data was primary method.  Primary data was gathered through structured questionnaires. The target population of the study was 244 from which a sample size of 70 was determined. Data was analyzed using statistical package for social science (SPSS).The data was presented in table format where percentages were presented. To determine if the independent variables influence the dependent variable Chi-square tests was done.   The study revealed that work family priorities conflict affected the performance of employees. The study, therefore, concluded that work life balance is an important aspect of work and family which should be embraced to improve employees performance. The study therefore recommended that organization should come up with ways of balancing what employees do in their jobs and how they cater for their family needs to reduce the imbalance and thus improve their performance.  

It is expected that the study will be utilized by the Human Resource Department of Kabarak University to understand the effects of work life balance on the performance of employees.


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How to Cite

Lucy Mwangi, Caroline Cherotich Boinett, Emily Tumwet, & Dave Bowen. (2017). Effects of Work life Balance on Employees Performance in Institutions of Higher Learning: A Case Study of Kabarak University. Kabarak Journal of Research & Innovation, 4(2), 60–69. https://doi.org/10.58216/kjri.v4i2.37