Nexus between Artisanal Gold Mining and Community Livelihood in Nandi and West Pokot Mining Regions, Kenya


  • Eliud Kibet Yego Kabarak University
  • Sellah Kebenei Kabarak University
  • G Cheserek Kabarak University
  • A Sitienei Kabarak University



Many studies on Artisanal Gold Mining (ASM) have estimated that it employs an estimated 13 Million people worldwide, with another 80 to 100 million people directly or indirectly benefiting. With the increasing rate of ASM operations in Nandi and West Pokot Counties, the extent to which AGM affects livelihood of people and the community and contributes to livelihood enhancement is not well-indicated in empirical literature. Therefore, the present study was conducted to determine the connection between ASM and community livelihood in Nandi and West Pokot Mining Regions, Kenya. The study employed a descriptive research design. Simple random sampling was used to select the respondents for interview. Primary data was obtained by using questionnaires, interview schedules and focus group discussions guide. Findings from the study indicated that majority (67%) of the respondents in West Pokot participated in artisanal gold mining activity all year round. Majority of the respondents in West Pokot County participated in mining activity on a full time basis while majority in Nandi County participate on a part time basis. Results further showed that 62 % of respondents in Nandi County were earning KShs. 4,001 and above from mining activities. Significant effect (p<0.05) of mining activities on incomes was recorded within the two Counties. Furthermore, significant relationship (p<0.05) between artisanal gold mining and socio economic activities within the mining communities was recorded. Therefore, it is recommended that stakeholders should recast mineral policy to ensure concurrent environmental sustainability and socioeconomic development.
Keywords: Artisanal Gold Mining, Livelihood, Community


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Author Biography

Eliud Kibet Yego, Kabarak University

Department of Environmental science


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How to Cite

Eliud Kibet Yego, Sellah Kebenei, G Cheserek, & A Sitienei. (2018). Nexus between Artisanal Gold Mining and Community Livelihood in Nandi and West Pokot Mining Regions, Kenya. Kabarak Journal of Research & Innovation, 6(1), 68–78.